This is me, Eva.
Textile has been my way for many years to express
ideas and feelings with textile material.
Some years ago I bought my first digital camera.
I found out it was no longer a problem to take many pictures,
to test what I liked and what came out of all the hundreds
and hundreds of pictures. It was the beginning,
one day I found out that the camera was by my side everywhere. More and more serious the feeling of getting somewhere. It will never end, I will always have the feeling of getting somewhere,
to learn and find out.
At a time I made a big mistake: I started to delete pictures I
didn´t like. I became critical and started to put more effort in what I was doing, shooting the picture. I could not see my mistakes as a subject of learning.
Today I do save every picture because I can learn from them.
I have also learnt the way I see pictures is changing.
What was very important from start might change during
the process that is going on within yourself.
In other words my advise save every picture
even if it is as you say nothing…. it might be something.
When it comes to what I like in photograhy:
it is the light, to be aware of the light,
to find the colours and how they change in different kind of light.
Reflections, to search for good reflections.
In the lake or puddle after a rainy day.
In the lake or puddle after a rainy day.
Backlight to use it for the fragile grass or shadowplay.
I have been advised to never go on to high aperture values.

These days I have a small tripod in my pocket .
I love it . I use it when the light is low.
I have through the years also found out the effect a small story makes, some words, descriptions of what is important for the picture . To give a feeling, thoughts, how it can give the picture some kind of platform. Therefore I like to show the pictures this way here at S&T. Sometimes only one word .
Or like other times something more
The cameras today have so many settings we shall not be scared to use them.
You can find me also here
Good post, Eva. And also looks great!
ReplyDeleteGood points! =) But I would also like to have some automatic indexing that could add some keywords, even on those pictures one sees bad. Then it would be wonderful to search through old archived shots using keywords.
ReplyDeleteBut browsing old pictures is also a good thing to do every now and then. The taste changes, and later on one can find some pretty awesome shots from old archives.
What comes to aperture, it much depends on the camera. On pocket cameras the aperture is small anyway, and therefore the effect of changing the aperture is often almost unnoticeable. And therefore I often miss a camera with large sensor, to be able to utilize the possibilities of either very small or very large aperture.
Orlando Thank you very much
ReplyDeleteSami Thank you very much
I think we can now an then make presentations of what did go wrong
Is it possible to get back to like a picture to give a second chance So indeed I agree we dont have to be worried to make a post about misstakes and why ... in cameras with very litlle setting you might need another way of composing the picture.
Anything is possible
One thing I believe is that digital gives you a lot of freedom. Play with aperture and speed, and you'll be surprised. With a tripod, you can play with a smaller aperture, as in low light it won't be a problem a slower speed.
DeleteI've got a couple of lenses with an aperture of f/2.8; it's simply amazing that shallow depth of field, if you know what to do with it. I'm still learning...
Conclusion: play with your camera settings. Try the Aperture Mode, it's fun!
One thing I believe is that digital gives you a lot of freedom. Play with aperture and speed, and you'll be surprised. With a tripod, you can play with a smaller aperture, as in low light it won't be a problem a slower speed.
DeleteI've got a couple of lenses with an aperture of f/2.8; it's simply amazing that shallow depth of field, if you know what to do with it. I'm still learning...
Conclusion: play with your camera settings. Try the Aperture Mode, it's fun!
Great idea indeed Eva, to write also about less successful experiences, and especially ideas on retakes. I have actually done something like that lately: Shooting again some pictures I took in 2010 for the 365 project and for S&T at MyOpera.
DeleteThank you Sami yes indeed
DeleteThank you Orlando. Yes indeed ...